2016 Haiti Mission -before we go

This year God gave me a vision to help my friends in Haiti in a tangible way. My mom and I attended bible study with The Busy Bees at Grace United Methodist Church in Fort Washington, Maryland and I had the opportunity to talk about my last mission trip to Haiti. At the end of my presentation I was asked how the Busy Bees could get involved.  I shared a list of supplies the village needed and they began collecting those items. Somewhere along the way it turned into a church wide event and God blessed in a mighty way. I collected enough donated items from the wonderful people at Grace UMC to fill my truck three times over and still there was more. Other organizations I am affiliated with as well as some dear friends made similar donations. at one point I couldn’t even park my car in my garage!

I went  to my church, the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia and told the Minister for Missions what I happened and she offered to help me get the items to Haiti. That meant sorting and organizing the donations…no need for winter clothes and boots in Haiti. I sent out a call for help and people came by on Saturday mornings to pitch in. We filled eight, yes I said EIGHT drums with donated items…everything from clothes to shoes, disposable diapers, medical supplies, toiletries and so much more. We loaded more than 1,200 pounds into the eight 55-gallon drums and shipped them to Haiti. And guess what? We still have items we have yet to send!!! It is going to be quite a site when they view the way people here in the US have blessed them.

I can’t say thank you enough to Grace UMC, Alfred Street Baptist, my Harmony Hall buddies, and the countless friends who donated times, items and made financial contributions towards this mission.

Love you all. Vernon20161119_093521


8 thoughts on “2016 Haiti Mission -before we go”

  1. Andre M. Lipford Sr.

    Amen my brother. Please let the family know that my heart and prayers are with you all in Haiti. I wanted to be there so bad but God has another plan for me. It hasn’t been revealed yet but I’m patient. Tell them that I love them all. Thanks brother V.

  2. Vernon,
    God is using you for the greater good!!! You are and will be blessed. Now, if I can utilize this new technology I am sure you will figure it out.

  3. May God bless you tremendously, Brother Vernon, for your faithfulness to Him and for your outreach to others!!!

  4. God bless you. May I have the first and last names of everyone that is going? We will be praying for you at the 500 am time everyday while you are away! You should have the web master add your blog on the website. That way not only the missionaries can follow you but anyone. I believe that everyone is a prayer warrior and a missionary.

    1. Rev Robin Woodberry, Rev Michael Oakley, Rev. Brenda Rice, Erving McDaniels, Ralph Taylor, Simira Taylor, Tony Taylor, Matt Meacham, Kathi Reid. Joining me on Saturday will be Kevia Richardson, Camille Jackson, Cheryl Thompson, Anita Banks and Michael Bolton.

      Thank you and blessings. Vernon

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