2016 Haiti Mission 11/26/2016- getting started

Saturday was our travel day and it 20161126_113255was pretty much uneventful. I connected with most of the team in Florida and we traveled the last leg of the trip together. It was great reconnecting with Rev. Robin Woodberry from Ohio, Rev Michael Oakley from North Carolina, along my friends Ralph Taylor and Erving McDaniels from Baltimore. Joining us for the first time is Rev. Brenda Rice. Three of our team members are ministers. Wow!

We have about a 90 minute ride from the airport in Port Au Prince to Carries, pronounced Care-ree-ess, where we will work. It’s a joy to be here once again. We eat dinner and spend the remainder of the evening getting settled in. The temperature is in the low 80s and we can feel the humidity. I stayed up all night Friday, spending some of my time with mom, so I am exhausted and can’t wait to get in bed.20161127_085254

We awaken to a glorious day on Sunday. We have most of our meals outside in a gazebo overlooking the bay. After breakfast we get into vehicles and drive up the mountain to the Grace Community Church. It appears they are transitioning from Sunday School to regular service as we arrive. Church is packed and very spirited. Lots of singing and praising. Rev. Brenda from our group brought a powerful message entitled “The Glory In The Cross” based on Galatians 6:14. If she didn’t have to slow dow20161127_094258n to allow for interpretation into Kreyol, I think she would have run up and down the church.

Our afternoon was free time. We had lessons on speaking Kreyol and some “do’so and dont’s”. We also had a disaster briefing… what to do if there is an earthquake or hurricane. Hmmm!?!?!?

The television is working so we watched the Miami/49ers game, played some pool and lounged by the beach. We are looking forward to a productive  day tomorrow.20161127_08370820161127_13582920161127_135838

3 thoughts on “2016 Haiti Mission 11/26/2016- getting started”

  1. Vernon, may God continue to bless you and your fellow missionaries on such an outstanding quest! My heartfelt prayers go out to you and everyone. Blessed success and a safe return to us.
    Levon Monroe, Harmony Haller Bowling Club

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