2016 Haiti Mission – Saturday 12/10/2016


Today is bittersweet. If you ever go into the mission field you will understand the feeling you get on the day you have to leave. There is joy but it is laced with sadness. I have been blessed in that I have had the opportunity to stay in country longer than most of the Lott Carey missionaries but even for me the last day is tough. I don’t usually sleep well the night before and I am usually very tearful. I try to temper some of that this time because I 20161210_081928have five other people I have to look out for. Each of these individuals is ending their first missional journey today. I am so very thankful to and for them. They made “leading” easy and effortless. They were enthusiastically willing to “do” whatever was asked was of them.

We say our goodbyes to the staff. While we leave a generous “tip” to be shared by all of the hotel staff, some of us bless individual staff whom God has placed on our hearts. We bless some of them with a few dollars, we gift our shoes, clothes (including undergarments), toiletries and even our luggage. Many of the people who served us this week earn $5 or less per day. That sounds outrageous doesn’t it? But when you consider that the median annual income in Haiti is $2,000 and you divide that by 310 (6 days/week for 52 weeks) you come up with a daily rate of $6.40. And that’s just the average. I have to explain this to the team because
I know first-hand they may be experiencing a feeling of guilt that they haven’t done enough. My words to them yesterday was that WE have done all that God has called us to do during THIS weeks journey…and don’t let the devil tell you anything different.

As we drive towards the airport in Port Au Prince, we visit a memorial near the 20161210_105942City of Hope. Early I shared that the area called “City of Hope” was virtually untouched during the earthquake in 2010. Just west of here is an area where hundreds of thousands of people were buried in a mass grave.

I know collectively the thoughts are “I can’t wait until next year”. There is already talk among the team about next year’s mission and I am already beaming about how these now “experienced missionaries” will prove to be so valuable to those who will follow in their footsteps.

Many people ask how they can get involved with mission work or how they can help Mission of Grace advance God’s agenda in Haiti. You are welcome to email me, hit me on Facebook or leave a comment on this blog site and I will share what I know. I am pretty sure Alfred Street Baptist Church will participate in a mission next year. We also have an ongoing effort to send donated items to Haiti. You can contact the Missions Ministry at the church for more information. I know Lott Carey has several teams going to Haiti in 2017…you can contact them directly for more information on opportunities to serve using the link above. And I am positive Ms. Lynn would welcome any and all direct support. You can find information  on educational sponsorship, child (orphanage) sponsorship, or other financial support on their website at Mission of Grace, Haiti.

In these postings I have provided just a glimpse of what I experienced while doing what God called me to do. It is a joy to share with you what my eyes and ears took in. I pray it blesses you. I pray it inspires you. I pray it wets your appetite and desire to serve God more in some capacity. I thank my Lord and Savior for this opportunity to share…to witness to you about His love, His grace and His favor. Please share this with your family and friends. You can even share it with your enemies…may be it will bless them to be a blessing to other just to spite you (lol).

(I am) Blessed to be a blessing to the Body of Christ…Vernon

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