2016 Haiti Mission – Tuesday 12/06/2016

One of the things I’ve learned over the years I have done missionary work in Haiti is that WE come to serve, and serve in whatever capacity we are called upon. I have poured concrete, carried heavy loads, used power tools, painted and, swept and cleaned up more times than I would have dreamed in a lifetime. I’ve had the joy of holding babies and feeding them, and I have playfully chased little ones in circles, played games with the older kids, and even help them with their math homework. I always try to do it with God’s love and grace. Most importantly I want to embody the spirit of the Lord in all things…that 20161206_103049is I want to personify Christ. I attempt to be as gracious to the young men and women who cook, who serve us food and drinks daily, who clean our rooms, and who provide transportation, as I am to those at the top who are manage the operations here. If God is no respecter of persons, then neither should I be.

After breakfast we head over to the orphanage to do some more painting. As we arrive we can’t help but smile at the babies who are out and having a good time. We again jump right into our task with vigor. The room is going to be two-toned so we have to first measure and mark off the areas for the bottom color and top color. Using a tape measure and level, first Camille and I work on a wall, then I show Cheryl how to do it, and finally I leave it in the hands Camille and Cheryl. I am not sure whether they have done this kind of thing before but the horizontal line is perfectly aligned around the entire room and we begin painting.

There are t20161130_144127wo older kids (5+ years old) in the area we are painting, a boy and a girl. Both have bumps and lesions on their skin. I am not sure whether it is chicken pox, the measles, or something else that is highly/moderately 20161205_144606contagious but I can tell these guys are lonely so we spend a little time with them. The girl started clinging to Kevia and I chuckled as I noticed a couple of times later in the day sh20161208_145955.jpge was sitting in her lap. The little boy gravitated to me and loved having his picture taken. I pray whatever they have our entire team is immune to it.

As always, when the children come back to the orphanage from school and there are “visitors” they are excited. Truth be told, so are the visitors and we enjoy an afternoon of loving on each other.

Today is Tuesday and the church holds a bible study for the women. Michael and I decided to spend some time with the teen boys. Last week, the men of Team Trinity did the same 20161206_171432thing and while we were talking with the young men we asked if there was anything they needed. After some prodding, they shared a list of things. High on that list was a laptop computer. To show you how awesome God is, Matthews Memorial Baptist Church in Washington, DC blessed Michael with some money to be a blessing to the people we were visiting in Haiti. With those funds he purchased two laptop computers. We didn’t know ahead of time that these young men needed a laptop but obviously God did and the team was able to bless them in a mighty way (the girls get the other one later in the week). I am so grateful to both Team Trinity and the A-Team for your willingness to be used by God in a mighty way.

When the ladies return from bible study the only report we get is that there were four extraordinary testimonies from four exceptional women. Anita and I crushed Cheryl and Kevia in a game of spades later that evening. THIS was a wonderful nightcap to an exhilarating day.