2017 Haiti Mission – Week 5 (Nov 19-22)

Just when I thought I had done all I needed to do in church on SUNDAY as I was finishing breakfast Ms. Lynn says she wants me to sing “My Hallelujah Belongs To You” this morning. And I found out I am leading the men’s bible study on Monday. After service Faviola comes to me and says that was one of her favorite songs and she would like me to help her learn it. Ms Faviola is one of the praise and worship leaders at Grace Community Church and I can tell she is sold out for Jesus. “Of course” is my response and we set a time later in the week to work on the song.

TUESDAY Cullen, Reuben and I decide to go for a walk up the mountain. At first we talked about going to find a turkey since it is Thanksgiving later this week but we didn’t have the heart or energy for the +2 hour trek so we resolve to take the scenic route to Cap Calen to purchase sandals for the six young men at the mission. We see Whitlove on our journey up. This is the girl who has downs syndrome. She is all smiles and hugs as we stop by for a brief visit. Cullen’s prayer is that she is taken in and cared for at Mission of Grace. Of course we speak to and chat with people along our journey.

20171121_104358Even though I already know the view was spectacular up here I still get caught up when I see it. We came across a small, open sided school near the end of our ascent. Through our limited understanding of the language we find out from Madam Richardson, one of the two teachers, there forty-four students. We also pick up a young guest along the way. He joined us when we were near the school so I suspect he would love to be in school but his family doesn’t have the money. As we were resting from our journey we are joined by two beautiful young ladies who bear a striking resemblance to our young male visitor.

Cullen purchased some lollipops and gave them each one. After we recovered from our hike up the mountain we went a short distance to visit a lady Cullen met earlier who is an amputee. As we were talking with her our three young visitors, their mom and a younger sibling came over…it turns out they were next door neighbors. We said a word of prayer for them and headed on our way to make our purchase.

WEDNESDAY we finished our breakfast and walked to the clinic. It’s mother’s day…when moms-to-be get sonograms utilizing the “clinic in a can”. It’s a miracle that this technology even exists in this village. And again ALL services offered and ALL medications dispensed at THIS clinic are free. On our journey we came across a very pregnant young lady named Atonia. Cullen had been encouraging her to go to the clinic

for some time and today he refused to take “no” for an answer. When the three of us arrived the place was packed with pregnant women. I immediately went to the “can” to see the doctor in action. While he was doing an exam I asked how many patients he had seen and was surprised by the answer; twenty-five…the clinic had only been open for 75 minutes. Cullen and I were both in the can when Atonia came in. This was her first visit since she became pregnant. The doctor told her she was 34 weeks and that she was having a boy. She was only a couple of weeks away from her full-term and had not seen a doctor.

I headed to the soup kitchen after I left the clinic. As I neared my destination I spot Billy about the same time he saw me and I could see his face light up. I realized one of the joys I look forward to on a daily basis it being his playmate. I get the impression this routine was working for him also.

PaulPaul, the young man from Port Au Prince Judy and I have been sponsoring came to Carries for visit today. I arranged for us to spend quality time through Saturday. I introduced him to Shiena as we began our daily tutoring session and he jumped right in to help. He shared with me that he tutors a girl in his village in math and English. After we finished with Shiena we go back to Cap Calen to pick up the items we paid for on Tuesday. As we were walking there we passed a school where the students were singing “Here I Am To Worship” in harmony and it sounded so awesome. After we finish dinner Paul and I sat and talked for a long time.



2 thoughts on “2017 Haiti Mission – Week 5 (Nov 19-22)”

  1. Laurence Campbell

    Vern, I am so encouraged by your work and reports.
    Thank you!
    God’s Blessing to you and the new team that is coming on Sunday.

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