2017 Haiti Mission – Week 5 (Nov 23 – 25)

I took Paul to visit the various ministries which make up the Mission of Grace on THURSDAY morning.  It is Thanksgiving day in the U.S. and it felt a little surreal being in Haiti but our hosts did a masterful job of preparing a feast to celebrate this American tradition. About 20 guests including Pastor Francois Murat, a Haitian national who has served as Lott Carey’s liaison here in Haiti since I have been coming, were treated to staples for this holiday. The menu included roasted turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, along with some traditional Haitian dishes like fried plantain, rice and beans, and fried pork. For desert we had apple pie, brownie cup cakes and ice cream. We also enjoyed a nice red wine which, coincidentally, bore the same name as our hosts, Pastor Jean and Lynn JOSEPH.

Schools are closed on FRIDAY so Paul and I went to see Shiena early in the day. He asked if he could work with her today so I sat quietly and observed their interaction. I (think) I get a glimpse of what I look like as he intently and patiently took her through the lesson. I could tell Paul enjoyed helping her, and he had the added advantage of speaking Kreyol so things flowed a lot smoother. We headed over to the soup kitchen afterwards and I beamed with joy as I watched Paul serve and envelop the little ones with extra TLC.

We spent the afternoon talking and enjoying each other’s company. We even went for a boat ride.

I was asked to participate in the baptism of nine candidates from the Grace Community Church. A good representation of members showed up to witness this very sacred event. Pastor Jean asked me to speak a word of encouragement to them before they were baptized. Using Matthew 3:13-17 as my text I reminded them that physically, they would be no different when they came up out of the water, just wet. However, in the eyes of God their life was truly changed at that point. I also shared with them that they were walking in Jesus’ feet and to not take that lightly.

Paul must return home tomorrow so we sat and talked well into the night. We ended our night as we had the past two, holding hands and praying for each other. I am a little tearful as I walk to my room.

SATURDAY we drove into Port Au Prince to meet a group of 22 missionaries I will have the pleasure of leading for the next 7 days. Paul and I stopped by our favorite restaurant for a light meal and then headed over to the airport. He helped me get luggage loaded on our bus and my charges settled in their seats before he got on a taptap and headed back home. Tomorrow I begins the final week of my 2017 HAITI MISSION.

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