2018 Haiti Mission – Saturday Oct 27th

The team says goodbye to the staff and our hosts at the guest house before we board the vans which will take us to the airport. We make a brief stop at the memorial to the 300,000 people who lost their life during the 2010 earthquake. As we pull up to the airport and unload the baggage I start to reflect on the fact that most of the people on this team had not served on the mission field prior to this week. At times like this I sometimes wonder whether we could have done more and I am reminded of the words I shared with the team that “we have done all that God has called us to do”.

Once all of the travelers have checked in with their airlines, Paul and I hug each one and say our farewells. He and I hang around until everyone has cleared airport security before we head to Le Bistro Midore in the city to sample their cuisine. I chose a

blackened Redfish while Paul opts for his favorite, goat. We spend another couple of hours together before my ride takes me back to the guest house and he catches a tap-tap to his home on the outskirts of Port Au Prince. I’m glad God opened the door for Paul and I to spend this kind of time together.

As I make my way back to Carries and settle in for the night, I reflect on the week we had. Not only did this team serve with excellence, they came with STUFF. Each missionary contributes roughly 20 percent of the cost of the mission trip to the Mission of Grace. That is about $4,800 in direct funding from this team alone. And most of these missionaries brought an extra suitcase with them at their expense. They ended up leaving behind 11 suitcases full of new underwear and socks, cosmetics, personal care items, office supplies, toys, and much more…STUFF, including a laptop computer, 2 blenders, and 2 irons the Mission requested. Not to mention, many of these individuals left their personal clothing behind to benefit the mission…now that is sacrifice!

I know Mission of Grace and the people it serves, and the Village of Carries are happy to have spent time with Alicia, Ashley, Bruce, Deborah, Donna, Edwin, Justine, Kevia, Kristen, Linda, Mia, Vincent ,and me. And I think God is well please with what transpired this week!