2018 Haiti Mission – Funday Sunday 10/21/18

SUNDAY: We crashed hard on Saturday night and awaken to a warm and sunny Sunday. After breakfast we head over to the Grace Community Church for service. Half of the team rides to church but a few 20181021_094028of us elect to walk. It’s exhilarating to take in the familiar scenery and faces as we make our way up the mountain. The service is already going on as we come in the sanctuary. I must tell you that Kevia sang her face off with Linda translating her words into Kreyole, and Rev. Bruce Goode gave us an inspiring word.

Immediately after service we receive warm greetings from many of the worshipers and the head back to the guest house. Before lunch we spend time preparing goody bags for a party we will attend later in the day. After lunch we package food we will distribute in the Village during the week. The 10 packages we made up contain 10 pounds of rice, 5 pounds of corn meal, 5 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds of beans, 2 bags of pasta, sauce, veggies, garlic, onions, flavoring, herbs, and a few other items. It may not sound like much but it is a welcomed offering which could feed a family of six for about a week. To the families who will receive this blessing during the week, it may mean the difference between starving and having something in their stomach.

Today the mission is celebrating the birthdays of the children born in October. It is a wonderful production featuring the children singing, reciting poems. When the formal program is over our team serves them cake and drinks. Before we leave the children we give them the opportunity to participate in an art project. Our time with them ends with a dance-off as one of the team members cranks up the music and the kids go wild.


2 thoughts on “2018 Haiti Mission – Funday Sunday 10/21/18”

  1. This has really warmed my heart. I am in my office thinking what a wonderful thing to do and experience. I pray that you have an abundace of warm memories n that you continue to do His will through your ministry of man-kind!
    Keep sending your jouney’s experiences.

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