2018 Haiti Mission – Tuesday Oct 23rd

IMG_0997Splitting the mission team into 3 groups means we need an additional interpreter. It is a blessings that Paul, the young man Judy and I had been sponsoring, is available and willing to come from Port Au Prince to be with us this week. Paul is truly a wonderful person who is kind and compassionate. It’s fortuitous  that he speaks English very well. Our relationship feels more like that of a father and son and I am so happy we will have time together this week.

This morning I elect to hang with the group which will be delivering four sacks of food in the village. You may recall we packaged this food on Sunday.  At the first two homes to which we deliver we encounter older gentlemen. We talk with them and pray with them before we present them with the food. One of the men shares with us that he wants to be baptized. The local pastor who is traveling with us this morning assures us he will see that the man’s wishes are met. At the last two homes we encounter a mother-to-be and a young mother, respectively. 20181023_114423We again form a circle to pray for the families and the life growing inside of the pregnant woman before we present the groceries. This group is headed to the soup kitchen after making the deliveries but take a detour and encounter another family along our journey. We take a moment to speak with the young ladies there and pray with them before going to the soup kitchen.

20181023_141710Before we head to our afternoon assignments the entire team accepts an invitation to visit the home of Ms. Didine, one of the ladies who run the soup kitchen. Last year’s mission teams helped with the construction of her new home. She wanted us to not only see her new place but invited us to pray for her home and her family. We were more than happy to grant her request.

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere! After school ends Team Hope descends on the orphanage to spread joy, laughter ,and love to all four corners of the orphanage compound. Towards the end of their visit they hand out candy. I sneak to the back of the line HOPE-ing they won’t notice I am not one of the children.

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