2022 Haiti Mission – Home again in Carries

January through March

I came to Haiti on January 4th this year and served for a little more than a week in the earthquake damaged area of Plaisance. While I was happy to serve there, if you have read any of my posts you know my heart longs to serve in Carries, Haiti. It is the home of the Mission of Grace, and MY home too. This year I made it “home” on January 13th and spent most of my time loving on every child. Many times they grab my phone and start taking pictures. Sometimes it tickles me when I see the results but I love these faces and what they represent. There are stories of abandonment, abuse, perseverance, overcoming obstacles, and struggling just to survive are real. Although it is not obvious when you see their smiles and joy, most of these young people live in an orphanage and count on its covering, provision and protection.

My second visit to Haiti this year began on March 4th and once again I went to Plaisance first. This time I led a team of missionaries. You can see the details of that mission in a separate blog post for the 2022 March Haiti Mission.

As I dropped the team off at the airport on March 11th to return to the US, my son Bryan arrived from the US and we headed to Carries, serving together for a week. I love his heart for this ministry. Not only is Bryan a gift himself, he brought some great gifts with him. He gave a Nintendo game system with 4 games, 4 controllers a new television and a TV stand to the boys house at the orphanage. They were over the moon with excitement. How he managed to get all of that on the plane in two pieces of checked luggage and a carry-on I don’t know. It’s apparent he really loves the kids here in Haiti and they love him just as much.

The days flew by and, although it seems Bryan just arrived, it’s time to say “see you the next time” to him. In the days following his departure I ask one of the boys how he is doing and he says, in Kreyol, he is not doing well because Mr. Bryan is not here and he misses him. These words speak volume to the impact he has had since his first mission to Haiti in 2020.

I quickly get into a routine to spend as much time with the children as possible…going to the school for their morning assembly, returning to the school at lunchtime and recess, and then visiting the orphanage in the afternoon. The young people think it’s all about them but I think I look forward to our interactions more than they do.

The day before the students begin a week of mandatory testing, they were allowed to wear their “street clothes” instead of their uniforms. I was blown away to see them all so dressed-up. They are all so incredibly beautiful. And when they began their morning assembly singing “How Great Thou Art” I was reduced to tears. During their week of testing I could tell the students were stressed and I made sure to greet each of them with a big hug and hearty “bonjou”.

2 thoughts on “2022 Haiti Mission – Home again in Carries”

  1. Laurence Campbell

    Thank you for sharing. You keep alive the Men on Mission challenge.
    Yeah, Vernon!!!!

  2. Always a blessings to experience this through you, Vernon. Thanks for being God’s hands and feet in Haiti! Peace, Kate & Rhonda

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