2022 March Haiti Mission-Pt2

...Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...

We take a long ride up the mountain on Wednesday to a distant village where we put tarps on damaged homes and a church. We bless 15 families with groceries and prayed with them. We also gave away clothing from the 55-gallon drums sent from the US for earthquake victims. We were blessed to pray the prayer of salvation with a man who came seeking Jesus. Deacons Gale, Teeko, Leon and I were honored to work on the home of a deacon from the local church…servants serving servants.

Our final day of service was an emotional one. After breakfast on Thursday we stopped at the home occupied by four generations of women and, through the generosity of missionaries from a Virginia church,  blessed them with a new home. Their existing home was irreparably damaged by the earthquake and they had been living in a 15×15 foot temporary structure made with tarps since then. Construction began immediately! Praises and tears flowed as we considered the blessing this was for the family.

We were able to deliver the last 15 of our 50 grocery bags on our final journey into the outskirts of Plaisance. A special thanks to the 2022 Haiti Mission team members who donated toward the groceries as well as JJS Missions which provided considerable funding for the feeding project.

We ended our day and technically our week of service celebrating Mr. Elvis Guillaume’s birthday. And we got to say a proper goodbye to some of the wonderful young people we met.

I saw the guy below from a distance at the end of the night. When he got closer I couldn’t stop laughing when I realized my eyes weren’t deceiving me…he had on an Alfred Street volunteer tee shirt.

2 thoughts on “2022 March Haiti Mission-Pt2”

  1. Sheryl Bellamy

    God Bless All of You and we pray that All of you are kept Safe in the Hand of God.

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