2016 Haiti Mission – Thursday 12/08/2016

20151201_152505.jpgThe reason why Lott Carey sends missionaries to Carries, Haiti is because of a mudslide which occurred in August 2015. After a deluge of rain, the mountain, which is home to this remote village started to give way. The resulting mud, rocks, and water cascaded down the mountain destroying twenty-nine homes in the process. I will never forget this picture I took last year…the entire structure of this house was washed away by the mudslide however the door with its pad lock remained intact. Vegetation has sprung up in much of this area however most of the residents who lost their homes cannot afford to rebuild and have not returned. It is the vision of Mission of Grace to relocate these residents to a different area of the mountain which is more stable and not prone to mudslides. The Lott Carey home featured in the 12/01/2016 article is located in this desired area. Prayerfully many of the residents will be moved to this area in the coming months.

20161208_103937We spend the morning at the Grandma’s House. It’s such a joy sharing the love of God with these sea20161208_105359soned saints. Anita lovingly spends time putting polish on the fingers and toes of one of the wheelchair-bound residents while Kevia goes around giving hand and foot massages to the others who are sitting on the porch. We sing songs and pray with many of those we come in contact with. I can tell one of the residents name Papi is smitten with Kevia…he simply beams whenever she comes near him. Before we leave we present the ladies of the home with a tee-shirt dress which the Sewing Ministry of Alfred Street Baptist Church graciously made. They are so appreciative of this gesture.

20161208_110509.jpgWe round out our day with two more stops. We first go by the old Grandma’s House which is now home to two families. One of the families now living here was visiting the church on Sunday. At the end of service, the girl pictured here with Cheryl took Michael by the hand and led him outside. Through an interpreter we determined that the family was homeless and hungry. They had come 20 miles from another village because they heard of Ms. Lynn and what she is doing this community. Ms. Lynn arranged for the family to stay in this house and will provide food for them until more suitable and permanent arrangements can be made.

Our final stop is at a home the mission has dubbed the “Little Orphanage”. It is not a part of Grace but has been 20161208_142056adopted by the mission. We stop through and bring the children there some candy, color with them and play games. Anyone who knows me, knows I enjoy playing Connect Four. The A-Team brought this game for them and we showed them how to play (we left it there for them to enjoy). Several of the kids caught onto the strategy of the game rather quickly. I defeated most of my challengers but must admit I lost a couple of games.

I’ll give you one guess what we did that evening after dinner! Yep…SPADES!!!