2018 Haiti Mission – Home Again (10/20/18)

SATURDAY: The DC contingent of the 2018 Haiti Mission team is scheduled to fly from National airport to Haiti by way of Boston. I am happy as the doors of the aircraft close on time. My elation turns to concern after we pull away from the gate and sit on the tarmac for what seemed like an eternity.  After about 10 minutes the pilot announced there was a mechanical issue and we needed to return to the gate. I am concerned now because we only had 20 minutes between the time we landed and the next flight started boarding. The problem was resolved rather quickly but, as we lift off we were wondering whether we would make our connecting flight. Even though we ended up leaving 35 minutes later than scheduled, our pilot announced that we would arrive a mere 8 minutes later than originally planned AND they were holding the connecting flight for us. Talk about the favor of God!

We hang around the airport in Port Au Prince waiting on the arrival of two additional team members who are arriving in an hour. One was flying in from Los Angeles and the other from Atlanta. I realize just how long a day our traveler from LA had when she shared with me her first flight left at One AM. That meant she was in the air hours before the clock struck midnight on the east coast. Wow!

Once we are all together we gather our bags and “run the gauntlet” of people trying to “help us” as we leave the airport. One of the first faces I recognize when we get outside is the effervescent smile of my adopted son Paul and that’s when it really hit me…I am HOME once again. Paul and I embrace for a minute before I put him to work (really) helping my fellow missionaries with their bags. 20171125_090347We elect to unwind a little and have dinner in Port Au Prince before making the 2 hour ride to Carries. After dinner we stop by the grocery store to pick up a few items and then head out of the city.

It’s close to 9 pm by the time we get to the guest house in Carries where we will be staying for the week. We are warmly greeted by the staff and long term missionaries who will serve as our hosts and guides. Once more I am overwhelmed by that warm feeling of coming home because these committed men and women who will serve us this week are like framily (a hybrid word) to me. We are given our room assignments and then we eat a late night meal before we all turn in.

I can tell this group of missionaries is excited to be here. It’s not just what I see in them but the energy I feel. I am looking forward to a blessed week.IMG_0978