2020 Haiti Mission – Sunday Feb 2nd

I had received word that money was tight at Mission of Grace (MoG), Haiti. Food for the soup kitchen was hard to come by because the supply lines had been interrupted during nearly 14 months of civil unrest. Although the unrests have abated and things have returned to (a new) normal, the people and entities which provided food and funding to MoG to operate the soup kitchen are just now gearing up again.

Currently MoG can only piece together enough resources to keep the soup kitchen operating 4 days a week. That means many of the people in the village have to go without food on the days they do not operate. Ms. Lynn Joseph shared with me that she is expecting a large shipment of food destined for the mission to arrive in Haiti in a few days and that she is prayerful it will clear Customs without delay. Until then they have to rely on local donations or the generosity of donors.

After hearing how MoG was struggling to feed the villagers, I purposed in my heart this year to be THAT blessing to the soup kitchen…to be a donor. Enlisting the support and sponsorship of JJSMissions.org, a DMV-based nonprofit missions oriented organization, we have launch the “Communion Feast”. In essence, on the Sunday that the Grace Community Church in Carries celebrates the Lord’s Supper, the soup kitchen will provide a robust lunch to people who come. This past Sunday that meal included chicken, rice and beans, salad, and a drink; and we were able to feed and fellowship with more than 300 people.

It is gratifying to know that the young people pictured below and many others in the community did not have to go to bed hungry. I am thankful that JJSMissions.org is committed to provide funding for the Communion Feast for at least six months.