All about JJS Missions

The back story:

I enjoyed immense job satisfaction and had a successful career in computer information systems dating back to 1974. In 1999 I was “recruited” for a management level position with the Committee on Appropriations for US House of Representatives. It was truly a “dream job” to work for one of the most influential committees of Congress. Fast-forward to the Summer of 2009; I had cancer surgery and, while I was sitting on my deck convalescing, I distinctly heard the voice of God say, “you have earned a living, now you must earn a life”. I didn’t understand it all then but God slowly and methodically began unfolding it. In 2010 inexplicably my job satisfaction started waning and my desire to continue working changed dramatically. Just as a new Congress was taking charge in January 2011 I told my staff director at the Appropriations Committee I had enough and wanted to retire. And on March 31, 2011 I walked away from what was once my “dream job” – never looking back. I realize now that God had shifted my focus.

A few weeks into retirement I was having a conversation with God and told Him if He would let me “chill” for a couple of years I would do whatever He wanted after that. Well, twenty-one months later God cashed in that chit and I was on my way to Haiti for my first missional experience. Suffice it to say I found “my purpose” and fell in love with serving.

The Impetus for JJS Missions:

From 2012 until 2016 I served two weeks each year in Haiti. During my 2016 mission a dear friend prophesied that I would serve in Haiti for longer periods of time. This revelation unnerved me when I heard but sure enough, I served for almost five weeks in 2017, and a little shy of two months in 2018. During these times I started to realize how much satisfaction I receive while helping others discover the joy of serving God as a missionary. However I still sensed God was calling me to a deeper commitment so in 2019 I started a nonprofit JJS Missions to answer that call.

Who are we:

JJS Missions, Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation as recognized by the IRS. That simply means donations made to us are tax deductible. Our scriptural inspiration comes from Acts 1:8 which reads, “But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth” (Amplified Bible). The first “J” in our name stands for Jerusalem as referenced in the aforementioned verse and calls us to serve/witness in our immediate neighborhoods; Judea encompasses regional service and is represented by the second “J” in our corporate name, and; the “S” is for Samaria which encourages us to pursue a national platform for mission work. And the closing words of Acts 1:8 implores us to go to foreign lands to share His love.

The Board of Directors, pictured (l-r), are Kevia, Kishana, Bryan, Judy, (me), and Cole. These are my visionaries, confidants, and accountability partners. Together we are committed to carry forth the vision God has laid before us.

What we have done so far:

Since our inception we have participated in the following missional activities:

    • Haiti Water 1Haiti Water and Food Project where we raised money to provide weekly deliveries of clean drinking water, and ongoing support for the community soup kitchen in Carries, Haiti;
    • Drive-by and Drop-off Donations where we solicited donations of personal care items and over-the-counter medications to benefit the Mission of Grace in Carries, Haiti. We raised more than $14,000 in donations and monetary contributions;
    • Blankets and Bagged lunch initiative where we purchased blankets, made bagged lunches, and delivered them to the homeless in the DMV;
    • We prepared Thanksgiving meals at Food and Friends. This organization, based in Washington, DC provides meals to thousands of individuals across the DMV;
    • We also made monetary contributions to:
      • Union Mission Ministries of Norfolk, Virginia in support of their effort to provide Thanksgiving meals to the homeless population in the Norfolk area;
      • For the Love of Family annual Thanksgiving dinner giveaway. This Clemson, South Carolina based nonprofit is committed to helping those who are less fortunate;
      • Girls Steps To Success, a DMV based nonprofit empowering young women on their journey of becoming the best version of themselves.

What’s on the horizon:

JJS Missions is committed to furthering missional activities locally, regionally, nationally, and throughout the world. In addition to continuing the projects we have been a part of previously,  here are a few of the future initiatives already in the planning stages that we are excited about:

    • Quarterly service projects throughout the DMV where friends and supporters can participate;
    • Periodic foreign mission service opportunities;
    • Meet Me Halfway. Some times the only barrier for people who want to serve as missionaries is m-o-n-e-y. This initiative seeks to provide supplemental funding to missionaries who have expressed an interest in serving but do not have the financial means;
    • Haiti to DC  Cultural Immersion (2022). We plan to bring between 10 and 15 young people from Haiti to the DMV for 12 days in the Summer of 2022, all expenses paid. An exciting time of worship, fellowship, family interaction, cultural, and ethnic-centric activities are being planned. This project is the brainchild of a friend and missionary partner who wanted to broaden the exposure of the teens at Mission of Grace, Haiti past the borders of their immediate surroundings.

You will find more information about us on our website: Please sign up for our mailings as well as make a donation, no amount is too great or too small. Remember Giving Tuesday is December 1st.