2021 Haiti Mission (Nov): Days 1 – 3

FRIDAY November 5

Tina E., Cheryl W. and Vernon arrive at the American Airlines ticket counter at Washington/Reagan Airport within minutes of each other to check in for our early morning flight to Haiti. This is Tina’s first mission to Haiti. Cheryl and Vernon served together in Puerto Rico in 2019 and in Haiti in May 2021. We will be serving in Plaisance Du Sud which is in the southwestern region of Haiti heavily damaged by the recent earthquake in August of this year.

Our travel to Haiti was uneventful and Pastor Francois, my ever faithful friend is at the airport to meet us and make sure we get to our hotel safely. Fabiola and Betty, two of the young people from the Mission of Grace join us for dinner. It is a joy to see them. Both of these ladies have completed high school and are enrolled in college/business school. Betty is in her third year working on an accounting degree and Fabiola is learning to be an interpreter, taking French, English and Spanish classes.

SATURDAY November 6

We spend the night in Port Au Prince and catch an early morning local flight to Les Cayes which is in southern Haiti. Our plane only has 19 seats and, fortunately for my long legs, the flying time is only 30 minutes. A driver meets us at the airport and takes us 90 minutes up into the mountains to our ultimate destination, Plaisance.

Tina and Cheryl after deplaning

We arrive at the guest house, go to our rooms and then chill out for a minute. We are greeted by Ms. Kim and Ms. Keisha from Mission of Grace (MoG) and I look forward to spending time with them. Not only will they serve as our hosts but they are dear friends so I anticipate fun times with them. MoG is partnering with Foundation Guillaume which is based in Plaisance. Most of what we will do during our mission will benefit this organization and the people they serve. The proprietor is Joyclen Guillaume but everyone calls him Mr. Elvis. He stops by the guest house not long after we have arrived and I find out that I have been chosen to give the message during church service in the morning. This is news to me and I ain’t no preacher. But, I have learned that we all (should) have a word of encouragement and/or testimony. In any case I now know I need to spend part of this evening putting my thoughts/words on paper.

SUNDAY November 7

I decide to speak on the topic “WHY ME?” However, the focus of the message is really “Why NOT Me?” The content is intended to be an encouraging word to these beautifully resilient people, even though calamities seem to befall them periodically, to keep their heads up and know that God has a plan and greater purpose. I reminded them that Joseph survived the betrayal of his brothers so that he would be in a position to benefit them when a famine hit their land. Also that all Job lost was restored in the end, and that even Jesus’ suffering was for a greater purpose…our salvation. At the end of my message I share the story behind the hymn “It Is Well” and sing a verse and the chorus of this song. It seems to be well received and I believe God is pleased.

We stop by the elderly home and orphanage later in the afternoon. The elderly home was totally destroyed during the earthquake. As God would have it, they were already building a new one and were able to complete the building and dedicate it in September. The residents are very happy with their new digs. The kids were beyond excited to see three visitors walk through the gates today. Quite a few of the kids cling to Tina the entire time we are here. Cheryl has a heart for children, especially those with developmental challenges. She makes sure Mikayla gets a dose of her special love. In addition to the smiles and hugs, we are treated to a medley of songs as a part of their evening devotions. I would say were are off to a great start.

1 thought on “2021 Haiti Mission (Nov): Days 1 – 3”

  1. Enjoyed your reflections! Praying God continue to bless your work and keep you safe. -Kate (Rhonda’s friend 😉

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