2016 Haiti Mission – Sunday 12/04/2016

20161205_112328It’s the dawning of another beautiful day here. I always enjoy getting up a little early and going out to meditate and pray. I am the first one out today and I thoroughly enjoy the peace and tranquility of the morning. So many people only know Haiti from the pictures they  have seen of places like Port Au Prince with its crowded streets. But there is so much more to take in on this tiny island. It is absolutely picturesque right here! I often find myself looking around and saying with envy, “they get to enjoy this everyday”. Soon the remainder of the Alfred Street Team (A-Team) ventures out and they, like me, are captivated by the beauty and serenity of the canvas God has unfolded before us. I get the feeling I will have company in the mornings from now on.

Over breakfast we go over the songs we will sing at church service this morning. We also find out that we will tour a few of the “ministries” which are a part of Mission of Grace. There is an orphanage, with infants, children and teen girls homes; a church; a school for grades K-6; a clinic; soup kitchen; Grandma’s House (senior home); teen boys home, and; a transitional home where they plan to teach people a trade…all of these are incorporated into the mission/vision of Lynn and John Joseph.

When we arrive at church, 20161204_101833a few people remember me from last week and are surprised to see me again. The lovely young lady pictured to the left is Julie and she is especially surprised. She and I had this love/hate relationship going on last week and we will no doubt continue it into the coming week.

As team lead, I have the pleasure of greeting the church and introducing the team members with the aid of Ms. Lynn who interprets my English into Kreyol. We are then treated to a rousing “welcome song” by the entire church. Later on our entire team comes forward to render a couple of songs. While they are collecting the offering Ms. Lynn comes to me and says, “you are speaking this morning. Just give them a few words…may be about ten minutes”. My heart starts to race because I now realize that I am being asked to preach this morning. I DON’T preach! God has not elevated me to that calling. 15578730_706487802848926_3463493217727620476_nHowever, I remember I have some notes from a “talk” I did a while ago on my tablet so I quickly start scrolling through it. I borrow a bible from my nephew Michael (my bible is an app on my tablet but I need it for my notes) and start looking for a text, all the while thinking, “this can’t be happening to me”, especially with just a 10 minute notice. After another song by the church choir, I am called forward and, although I am nervous as heck, there is a calmness which unfolds as I begin reading a familiar passage of scripture and speaking to the church while Pastor John Joseph, Lynn’s husband interprets. Honestly, I don’t remember all that I said. I DO however remember thinking last week there were 3 preachers in Team Trinity and this week were are none. Even though being an ordained deacon puts me a “head” above everyone else on the team, I made a note to myself to recruit a preacher for the next mission trip.

I notice a covered table at the front of the church and realize they are serving communion today. It’s a joy to share in the ordinance of Communion at Grace Church. We are all surprised they serve real wine. The church is spirited at the end of service as the choir is singing their hearts out. A few members of our team join in with them on the final selections. My team members are so encouraging at the end of service. They tell me I did well. Kathi Reid teasingly reminds me that several people greeted me last week as “Pastor”, and Kevia calls me “Bishop” in passing. Cheryl Thompson jokingly reminds me of a brief conversation we had over breakfast about being “setup” and starts to laugh saying those words came back to get me. Thanks Cheryl. Lol.

After service we go back to change clothes and have some lunch. Around 2pm we head back up the mountain to visit the “Grandma’s House”. This is a senior home for the elderly. 20161204_144248.jpgWe walk through speaking with the residents and praying with them. A couple of them give us words of praise, testimony and prophecy. Anita Banks starts singing “Hallelujah” and soon everyone joins in. It’s apparent God’s praise is universal and we are all crying and singing, and laying hands on people. The Holy Spirit is very present here. It’s such a moving experience! The picture to the left is Michael Bolton receiving a word of prophecy from a 105 year old resident.

We next go to the orphanage to visit with the children. 20161204_154226We get there right about feeding time and we all split up to help the younger children with their meals. Cheryl Thompson, Camille Jackson and Kevia Richardson are captured here in the midst of feeding the babies. I think it’s kind of funny that after they eat they all sit on the pot at the same time. And I mean they literally sit on plastic pots to do their business before they are allowed to go play. I guess this minimizes the “accidents” which could occur.

The remainder of the day is rather quiet as we all reflect on God’s greatness we witnessed today. I see most of the team busy writing and journaling their experiences. I look forward to hearing and reading their words. I am also anxious to find out how this mission will change their lives. After dinner I want to lighten the atmosphere so we break out a deck of cards and play a spirited game of spades late into the evening.

2 thoughts on “2016 Haiti Mission – Sunday 12/04/2016”

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. I am inspired to join you soon.
    I hear and feel “Hallelujah” as I read your words. God bless VOT as represented well with Anita, Kevia, and you.

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