My Journey

2016 will mark my fifth missional journey to Haiti. I had no idea what I was getting into in 2012 when I said, “Lord, here I am…send me” but I now realize that God had a plan for my life. To say I enjoy this is an understatement…it’s more like I’ve found PURPOSE. I pray the words, stories and pictures I share with you through these writings are a blessing to you. I know they are to and for me.

In the past I’ve tried to do a combination of email, Twitter, and Facebook posts. I’ve found that pictures I take can be huge and sending them in email can be difficult so I was looking for an alternative. Since a few of my friends don’t use social media, I knew I couldn’t rely on Facebook/Twitter as my only outlet. I happened to see a post from a friend of mine which used this application and I thought I would give it a try. It allows me to focus on the content and readily embed pictures and videos. So far it’s been the answer for me. I think it will make it easier for me to post updates from Haiti. Please bear with me as I am learning about this technology. Please let me know what you think of the format.
