Water and Food Drive for Carries, Haiti

Matthew 25:35 states “for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink” – a simple command that directs how we should care for one another and our community.

To fulfill this command, the Mission of Grace’s Soup Kitchen provides a daily meal to many of the residents of Carries, Haiti. For some it is the only meal they will have that day. Several people who come to the Soup Kitchen will consume their lunch and then seek additional food to take home and share with other family members. With so much food insecurity in the village, this role in the mission is lifesaving for children and families.

Vital to good health and hygiene is clean drinking water. As with the food, clean water is a scarcity in Haiti. The water sources are often contaminated due to the numerous communal uses of rivers and streams. In many cases it is not only unclean, it is unsafe and unhealthy.

In partnering with the Mission of Grace, JJS Missions provides funding for a weekly delivery of fresh water and food to the soup kitchen.