Haiti Earthquake Relief

On morning of August 14, 2021 a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southern part of Haiti. Thousands were killed, tens of thousands were injured and more than 1 million people were affected by the devastation. In response JJS Missions mobilized, collecting money, donations and eventually putting boots on the ground to help Haiti to recover. We raised more than $20,000 and collected 35,000 pounds of donated items and placed them in 92 fifty-five gallon drums. Through the generosity of Alfred Street Baptist Church the drums were shipped to Haiti. They arrived in the town of Plaisance just after Christmas.

During the week of January 9, 2022 while I was in Haiti we traveled to villages and hamlets in this mountainous region each day delivering these much needed donations. Most of the areas we visited had not received any assistance since the earthquake. To say the people we met were grateful does not even begin to tell the story.

Hygiene products like soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and deodorant in the drums were greatly needed. The clothes, shoes and flipflops distributed were a welcomed sight and much sought after. And the children’s and adult diapers were put to good use immediately.

Check out the story as it is portrayed in the following video.

Finally, hear Mr. Elvis Guillaume, the director of Foundation Guillaume, share his thoughts on the impact this project had on Plaisance in the video below.

To God be the Glory for the great things HE has done.